Filling in the ‘Missing Middle’. How Toronto plans to increase density in ways besides building huge condo towers.
Toronto’s population continues to grow at one of the highest paces in North America. Most people would be surprised to learn that many neighborhoods in Toronto are actually losing population due to single-family zoning by-laws which govern the majority of residentially zoned areas the city. The Planning and Housing Committee of the City of Toronto is recommending Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments that would allow for multiplex’s of up to 4 units in areas now zoned to allow for just single-family homes. Allowing great density on residential streets will offer more affordable housing and can benefit small property owners, not large corporations. These initiatives include recommendations from The University of Toronto – Cities which can be found here Rehousing.com. The changes should be enacted later this year. Maps showing the areas affected, and details of the Planning and Housing Committee recommendations can be found here: Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods –
Multiplex Study – Final Report.