The City of Toronto is moving forward on its plan to increase the supply of affordable housing across the city. As part of the HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan, the City committed to create 1,000 new modular homes in Toronto. The Modular Housing Initiative is an innovative and cost-effective way to build small-scale infill housing while providing a rapid, dignified response to connect people experiencing homelessness with homes and appropriate supports to help them achieve housing stability.
Modular housing , which is essentially prefabricated housing, is built off-site in a factory and transported to the site for assembly. City Council has approved the construction of the first 250 modular homes on City-owned sites in 2020 and 2021.
The first two modular buildings are already completed providing 100 new homes with support services for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Here is a link to the City of Toronto’s website showing the project completed and under construction: Toronto Modular Housing Initiatives