Case Study: Andrew Sookram

Client Profile

Andrew and his business partner first approached Stephanie to seek assistance with finding a large space for his restaurant and craft brewery. After months of negotiation on a 7,000 sq. ft. space, including meetings with mechanical and structural engineers, architects, trades, the city, liquor control and most importantly: the landlord, it became apparent that this seemingly perfect space was not going to work. Stephanie convened a meeting with a start-up business consultant who recommended that Andrew to re-consider his business plan and perhaps focus on doing the craft brewery well instead of diluting his capital and energies to open a full restaurant and brewery.

The next time Andrew and Stephanie met, Andrew had severed the relationship with his business partner and decided to stick with his passion of opening a craft brewery and not try to incorporate the restaurant concept. Andrew had been homebrewing and winning awards for his brew for years and it was time to take his talents and share them more broadly.

Stephanie and Andrew saw many spaces before Stephanie stumbled on a former CBC radio office space and knew immediately that this was the vibe Andrew was looking for. It was not immediately obvious to anyone that this would be a great building for a craft brewery – but it was and Andrew opened Sookram’s brewery and taproom shortly thereafter. Andrew was masterful in his execution of the buildout and set up. Andrew’s life partner and wife worked tirelessly to build all the tap room furniture; stunning tables and benches. The place is spectacular.